Psychic Notes
- What are Psychic Notes?
- Do I need to download the App to send/receive Psychic Notes?
- What are the differences between Psychic Notes, Offline Messages, and Chat?
- What kind of Psychic Note content can I send and what content should I not send to a Psychic?
- How do I send a Psychic Note?
- Are there limits to the number of Psychic Notes I can send?
- Is there a limit to the length of each Psychic Note I can send?
- Will Psychics send me Psychic Notes?
- Will the Psychic respond to my Psychic Note?
- How will I know that I have received a Psychic Note?
- Do I have to respond to a Psychic Note from a Psychic?
- How long will messages on Psychic Notes be available to me?
- Can I restore Psychic Notes that have been deleted?
- What happens if a Psychic sends me content in a Psychic Note that is questionable or restricted?
- What if I no longer wish to receive Psychic Notes from a Psychic?