Psychic Notes you can send to a Psychic
Below are some examples of the types of notes that you can send to your psychic via Psychic Notes. Please keep in mind that you must have had a reading with the psychic within the last 90 days and they must be busy or offline at the time you send the note.
You can send a note to:
- Let your psychic know you enjoyed the reading.
- Inform the psychic that their prediction came true.
- Ask the psychic about their schedule.
- Ask the psychic to log on (if they are offline) so you can read with them.
- Ask the psychic to stay on (if they are scheduled to log off soon) so you can read with them.
Psychic Notes you should NOT send to a Psychic
We kindly ask that you use your discretion when contacting a psychic through Psychic Notes.
Psychic Notes are not intended to be used for readings with your psychic.
Psychic Notes should not be used for such content as the following. Please note this list is not intended to be all-inclusive.
- To send personal information of any kind; including, but not limited to, your email address, phone number, home address, or social media handles.
- To send explicit content of any nature.
- To bully, berate, or harass a psychic.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for threats, use of explicit language or content, or any other behavior we deem to be inappropriate.
What happens if I send restricted content in a Psychic Note?
Depending on the nature of the content, you may be blocked from using Psychic Notes to send a note to any of our psychics.