Many times psychics and spiritual advisors use language and words we may not be familiar with. That's why we consulted our experts to come up with this exclusive psychic dictionary. Now you can become familiar with – and learn the language of spiritual enlightenment. Use it to enhance your journey and understanding of yourself.
Natal Chart
A natal chart is a basic tool of astrology which uses the date, time and place of an individual's birth to show the positions of the planets in the signs and houses at the time of birth.
Near Death Experience
A near death experience occurs when an individual is physically deceased yet returns to life with a memory of what happened to them. Many have recounted stories of seeing their physical body beneath them and traveling toward a white light or tunnel where they are greeted by friends and relatives.
Like Astrology or the Tarot, Numerology is a means of divination. Through the use of numbers, Numerology tells us about the human condition and about our journey through life.
Opposition Aspect
An opposition aspect is an arc of 180°. This means that planets are opposite each other if they are six star signs apart. An opposition can be indicative of tension.
A pendulum is any object suspended freely from a string or chain. The universal vibrations received by the dangling object provide knowledge to the holder of the pendulum usually in the form of simple yes or no answers to the questions asked.
Often called a Clairvoyant, a Psychic has the ability to draw knowledge from the universal consciousness. They know without conscious reasoning and are highly intuitive. Some psychics use tools such as the Tarot, Astrology or runes to help answer questions and divine the future.
Planets in retrograde look like they are moving backwards. The energy from a retrograde can cause communication mishaps such as when Mercury is Retrograde, or can derail love when Venus is in retrograde.
Runes are a divination tool used by some psychics in much the same way that astrology or the Tarot is used. They generally consist of clay tiles or coins with an inscription from the Runic alphabet.
A member of society (priest, magician, spiritual healer, medicine man, etc.) that acts as a medium or negotiator between the physical world and the spirit world using ritual-like practices and chanting for the purpose of healing, predicting or controlling natural events.
You've probably heard of crystal balls – scrying is a fancy name for concentrating intensely on a shiny surface to induce Clairvoyance.
The soul is the immaterial part of you that dictates your mind and personality. Depending on your particular beliefs, the soul can live on through many incarnations or exist on different ethereal planes. Soul to many is synonymous with Spirit.
A soulmate is someone you have experienced many lifetimes, learned life's lessons, bonded with and loved. Some believe your soulmate is literally the person who carries and completes the other half of your soul.
Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides are non-physical entities which tend to be either highly evolved beings or the spirit of the dead. The purpose of these entities generally includes protecting an individual, assisting in spiritual development or as a source of inspiration. Many psychics utilize the help of spirit guides in their readings.
Sun Sign
As the Earth follows an elliptical path around the Sun, it passes through 12 constellations known collectively as the Zodiac. Your Sun Sign indicates in which constellation the Sun was positioned when you were born. It is sometimes referred to as your Birth Sign.
The belief that everything and everyone in the universe is connected by a universal force and therefore there is no coincidence. The famous Swiss Psychoanalyst, Carl Jung referred to synchronicity as "meaningful coincidence."